Tuesday, September 28, 2010

change of scenery: change of plans!

So today I want you to know (all of about no one but myself) I woke up at 5 am. As I layed there awake in my bed I just couldn't wrap my mind around jumping on the treadmill to 5x800meter today. I remebered as I layed there that today was Tuesday and I wouldn't have extra kids at my house today. (I watch my nieces mon, wed, and Fri.) Then I remebered that the weather here in Oregon has been awesome. So, I made an informed decision that I would run after dropping my son off at school and I would push my little girl in the stroller. I went over by the river. I use to run here a lot before we moved. As I ran down the path pushing the stroller I found myself enjoying my run. Everything was peaceful and quiet. The river was flowing in the same direction I was running and it seemed almost softer today. I went on today's run with no expectations for pace, or distance. I just ran. I only ended up running 4 miles but I stopped when I felt like I was done and I felt good. My effort for the day was just what I needed. I felt strong something I have been missing on my runs lately. My mind relaxed and I wasn't worried about the numbers on my GPS. I LOVED IT! So, I decided today that for the month of October I am just going to run. I am not going to follow a plan, I am not going to worry about pace, I am not going to worry about distance. I might even go out and by a new MP3 player and listen to good music as I run. Usually I don't run with music so I can just think but the music might just add some more fun to my run.I am still going to run the 5K at the end of the month but I am going to do it just for fun, just to see where I am at.
I am thankful today for a change of scenery and a change of mind.

don't know time
don't know pace
I know it was great!

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