Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A True Inspiration

A friend posted this on Facebook today and I had to share.  What a great example of what a runner is.  We all have days when just finishing a run is hard.  There are days when our bodies don't want to cooperate, or our legs feel like lead and don't want to move very fast.  I'm sure he feels that just about every time he runs, but he says, as I've heard many other runners say, he's in his own perfect world when he is running.

 I loved that the other runners came back to support him and ran with him.  It reminded me when I ran my first 1/2 my sister (after completing her 1/2) came back and ran the last mile with me.  I love that other runners are so supportive of each other.

I'm going to remember this story when I feel down about my body or if I'm feeling bad about how long it took me to run the distance I was going.  I'm grateful for a strong, capable body and I can do whatever my mind sets out to do.

Keep running! Josie


  1. Sure puts things in perspective.. and I was just complaining about my hip to Corrine! Makes me grateful. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a story! I had to go find tissues.


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