Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Fever!

Today I got on my treadmill ready to run my 4 miles and after mile two I couldn't run anymore! I wasn't tired. I know I can do it. I just did it two days ago. So after my two year old asked me to open a granola bar for the 15th time (which I discovered he was only eating the chocolate chips) I couldn't do it!  I was just bored! I am ready to run outside in the fresh air and know I have to run the rest of the way because I'm not home yet!

Spring fever is among us here in the cold, cold northwest! My kids saw the sun yesterday and wanted to play outside.  Kids are riding their bikes to school dodging leftover snow piles geared up with snow coats, snow hats, and gloves.  My cousin from California was going to school here one year and she said these people are crazy wearing shorts and riding skateboards in this cold, cold weather (it was March and probably 40-45 degrees).  I asked her if she knew what Spring Fever was and she said no.  So I said you have just seen it.

So my goal for this next week is to get outside more and enjoy any weather, I hope.  I am a wimp when it comes to being cold, but I did run two weeks ago in 29 degree weather.  I can handle it, right?

The last post by my sister was about what she learned the hard way and strengthening your core.  Well me being a newbie to running I found out core strength is key as well.  I found myself ready to run my second half marathon and my hips were were hurting.  I couldn't run and it hurt to walk. Very painful.  Fortunately, I have a brother in law who is a Dr. and can adjust my hips for me and a sister who suggested to do hip exercises.  I have had great success with these exercises and now I am back running and planning my second half for May.

The first exercise is called a "Hip-Up".  You stand on a stair, or bench with one foot on and one foot off and that foot lowers and lifts the  hip up!  I do about 2 sets of 10 each side and try not to hold on to the wall. Well, most of the time anyway! I was reading and found out that if I can't do this without holding on it is a sign of weak hips! Go figure!

I found these exercises on Youtube and have really liked them. I don't know if they are the "Top Four" exercises, but I do know they have and are helping me.

Disclaimer- I'm not a Dr. or Physical Therapist so if you have hip pain go see them before trying any exercises.  

Happy Hip strengthening! Oh ya, and don't forget to stretch!  


  1. You MUST get some YakTraks. I have been running outside all, snow, below zero, it can be done and I endure it with pleasure because running on a treadmill makes me want to rip my eyeballs out!!! Such a better workout outside anyways.
    Keep up the running. Wish I lived back west so I could do some half's with all you running girls in the family.
    Love this blog.

  2. Hey Josie ... I just started my Robie training on the treadmill last week, and I agree ... it's hard to keep motivated with the monotony. I am however learning to love treadmill hills ... I hope that will translate into real, muddy, steep hills! I'm looking forward to doing some running outside, even if it is freezing. I was just recently reading about some very similar hip exercises ... great idea! I'm going to add them to my routine. Happy Running! :) Yvonne

  3. Danette- I had to look up YakTraks, but great idea. I was worried about slipping on the ice because I know it would happen! You would kick my can running, but would love to run with you and the rest of the McBride/Leavitt Clan!
    Yvonee- Good luck with Robie! Maybe I'll try some hills on the treadmill to spice things up! :)

  4. I have to get out too.. cold or not. It's amazing how fast you warm up though. I'm gonna check out your exercises... thanks for sharing! Wish you were closer so we could run out together.


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