Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The first step is acknowledgement!! Join this challenge with me.

Okay, this post is not going to be easy for me because I am going to be sharing a weakness with you and you know in this crazy world it is hard to share our weaknesses. Everyone wants to look like they have it all together and that they are doing well but we all know that everyone has a weakness they are dealing with or ignoring. Now, some of you may read this post and think that I am being silly and you will roll your eyes at me and not believe me but I am telling you right now what I am sharing is the truth.

Alright here it is. I am totally and completely addicted to sugar.  There I have said it. I feel better already. (this is where some of you may roll your eyes and laugh) Let me explain a little bit. I have been reading about sugar and diet recently. I like this blog here. She posted a link in her blog post about being addicted to sugar and it really opened my eyes. You see in my religious beliefs we have been given what we call the word of wisdom. This talks about all things in moderation and also to stay away from things that can be addicting. Now, I am not saying sugar is something that everyone should stay away from but for me I feel that I am not keeping the word of wisdom because my sugar in take is not in moderation and I truly believe I am addicted. (again some may roll their eyes.) I crave sugar every single day and you know what I always let myself cave to those cravings. Some of you may say it's okay to have a little treat it won't kill you, or some might say well isn't that why you run so much so that you can have the sugar?  Well I run because it makes me feel good and to behonesst I think it has saved me from gaining more weight than I have. If I had more control over my diet than yes having a small treat would be totally okay and not a problem. However, I don't stop with just a small treat. As an example (this is scary for me to share) I bought two boxes of girl scout cookies. Who do you think ate those two boxes of cookies in a short amount of time? Let me give you a hint. My husband has celieac disease so wheat is out for him and my kids didn't even know that I had bougth them. Hmmmm, wonder who could have done that?  I love to bake but I have had to slow down because if I make cookies I eat them like popcorn, not joking.
 I feel like I am putting a lot of time and effort in to my running and exercise that I am totally undoing by the end of the day because of my diet. I try hard to eat right but I have to tell you I am terrible at it.
I have set some big goals for myself this year for my running which I plan to share with you at another time. I really believe for me to reach my goals one of the things I have to do is control my diet better and I believe this starts with the sugar addiction.

So, the blog that I stated earlier here did a two week no sugar challenge. I didn't do it with her. To be totally honest I was a tad scared that I couldn't do it and that I would fail so I didn't even try. Over the last few weeks I have been following her on facebook and listening to her and others talk about the challenge and it made me do some soul searching and reading. Honestly do some looking into sugar and your body it will amaze you. I have decided that this Sunday the 3rd of March I am going to start my own two week challenge of no sugar. This means I will have to do a lot of label reading because sugar is in everything and I will have to plan my meals for the day better so that I am prepared for the day instead of just grabbing anything at all to eat.I will also have to be making an exit plan so that when the two weeks are over I don't just fall back into my old habits. This will also mean that I need a support system and so I am extending this challenge to you and anyone else you think might want to join us. If sugar is not a problem for you than maybe you can work on something else. I think I will post everyday about how I am doing and what I am doing and you could leave comments about how things are going for you.

Okay I shared with you now its your turn to share with me.  What is your weakness that you have and are you willing to work on it for two weeks starting Sunday? 

Just keep running. Corrine


  1. I had a similar experience where I am a member of a weight loss group on facebook and she had a two week no sugar challenge. Do You think I did it? No. In fact, it made me want the sugar even more. I will try my hardest at this challenge. I know I am as much addicted to sugar as you!

  2. Okay, I love sugar too. But, there is a woman in my neighborhood, who hasn't eaten refined sugar in years. So - no junk food but she doesn't eliminate all food that has sugar in it. Because there are so many foods that have sugar in them (ie. fruit, milk, yogurt, etc.)that are good to have apart of your food intake. I like her approach because I feel like it is balanced and sustainable long term. NOT that I have tried it but if I was to try - it would be along those lines. Otherwise - I know I would fail! What do you think about her approach?

    1. Jilline you are right and I didn't express myself very well. I am going to try and avoid all refined sugar. If it's a natural sugar like in fruit and veggies that is good for you. It sounds like her approach is what I am talking about. If you click on the blue here button up in my post it takes you to a nutrition blog and she explains it better than I do. To be honest I don't think sugar is bad but I think for myself I just need to learn how to have less of the refined sugar and learn to want the natural sugars more.


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