Monday, March 12, 2012

Week one down. How did it go?

Well I know that all of you (like 5 of you) that read this blog are just dying to know how my first week of no sugar went. I have to say I am really proud of myself. This past week I had the never ending cold. I swear everyday I woke up I thouht I am going to feel better today and by 9am I could definetly tell I was not going to feel better today. This happend everyday. Today is the first day that I can actually say I feel better. I also had aunt flow stop by for the week. Every month that she stops by I tell you chocolate is all I can think about. However, I managed to fight the sugar cravings all week. I was so proud of myself. Now thank you thank you for your applause, but let me tell you I did make a mistake. You see Saturday afternoon the sugar craving was HUGE!!!! I fought it off with little cutie oranges and whiney text messages to my sister. I thought I had it made until the kids asked for something sweet. As I was grabbing them a cookie out of habit I took a bite. OH CRAP!! Here I thought I had messed up my whole two weeks. I ate the cookie. It was weird though. It didn't taste as good as I wanted it to and I was fine with just having one. Sunday I did let myself have a break and I had desseret with the family.

Now some might look at this and think she failed. She didn't make it two whole weeks. At first I have to admit I did feel that way. I thought how weak am I that I can't go without this for two whole weeks. Then on Sunday (the best day of the week I think) I started to change my thinking. We women are so dang hard on ourselves. We tend to only see the negative things that we do and negate the good things we do. We are so dang critical of ourselves. I had dessert Sunday night and I was proud of myself. You see never have I gone a whole week being as sugar free as I could be. I made it through the week even when I felt like total crap. I even got all mty running workouts in. I ran 10 miles Saturday morning. I easily could have just said I don't feel good I am going to start over next week, but no I stuck to it. I did it. I decided that in reality it is more realistic to try my hardest to eat healthy most of the time like Monday -Friday and try to keep my sugar as low as possible. I should try harder to fill myself with whole natural good foods. Then when the weekend comes it will be okay to allow myself a treat. It all goes back to that thing moderation.

This last week in my mind was a success. I made it and I proved to myself that I can go without sugar and a treat everyday. So, my new goal for this week is to plan my meals in advance, eat as little sugar through the week as I can, and allow myself a treat and not feel guilty at all.

 We women can be hard on ourselves Because of this I wanted to share this video with you.  Some of you may already have seen it or heard it. I love it and I think it is something we can all use a reminder of.  I give you the challenge this week to lighten up on yourself and give yourself some credit. You deserve it. Remeber who you are and that you have great potential.


  1. You did it. You hung in there when it was hard. But I knew that you would do it. You are great. I definitely think that a better overall diet is a good thing. So happy eating to you.

  2. Well I am very behind on my blog reading, so I am just reading about your no sugar challenge!! Good job! Funny, in your first post you asked what each of us could give up for 2 weeks... even though I hadn't read your blog, I had decided over a week ago to give up caffeine. I used to never care about caffeine, but over the past several months found myself needing "extra energy" during the day, after getting up early to run. I didn't always pick soda, but sometimes these other "caffeine/ energy drinks". I found myself wanting it way too much, and for various reasons I decided I should just eliminate it completely. I crave it non=stop, but so far I haven't caved. I am watching which sports drinks/ gels I use, and am trying to use the decaf ones. I love sugar too (especially chocolate), so that will probably be my next goal. Thanks for helping inspire us and good job!


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