Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Schedules, schedules

The last two days were beautiful! Sun was shining and it was near 45 degrees here. So I took advantage of running outside. It's a good thing too because today it's snowing! It was nice to be outside running. I'm a whimp and I don't like running in the freezing cold. I don't have all the right equipment, I dont' like being cold, and I'm afraid of falling on the ice.

As I said in my last post I needed some motivation especially in the winter to keep me running. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy running, I just get Cabin Fever so my motivation is very low. So I started looking into races to sign up for and found a friend who is willing to run it with me. We don't live in the same town but it will keep me going knowing someone else is expecting me to run. Then comes the second issue for me... the training. I dont' mind training, I really like it. I always imagine myself becoming this svelte runner who runs with ease. With that in mind, I get really annal about planning out the perfect training plan for me. For example, should I do P90X two days a week for my strength training, or log on to Runner's World and design the perfect strength training plan that will make me a better runner? Do I run three days a week or four? And on and on and on (really frustrates my sister because I call ALL the time. Remember, I consider her my coach!) Whatever I do I am always questioning if it is the best training plan for me. There is just so much information out there and everyone has an opinion as to what is best.

So I went to Hal Higdon and found his half marathon training plan. I Kept most of it the same but just adjusted it to my schedule. I decided to try the P90X and if it gets too time consuming (each video if 60 min.), or if I just can't seem to "Bring it!" I will change my strength training plan.

Does anyone else have these issues? Or are you just out there putting in the miles and not worrying about training and schedules?


  1. so here is what I was trying to tell you when you called but didn't have the words. This guy, Scott Douglas from running times says it best, "Relax, it's just running. Or course it can be the most intoxicating, captivating, meaningful part of your life. But it is still just running. Nobody's making you do it, and you're not going to save the world doing it. So find what you enjoy about running, and then follow your bliss." My personal opinion is that if you make it to complicated you will miss why running is so great. Just enjoy it and don't worry about to much.

  2. Well said. My desire to be "perfect" at things takes over and I just need to enjoy the run and who cares if I'm fast or slow. I'm out there running and it makes me a better mother, wife, person.

  3. Ok, I'm a little slow checking in here. After reading this, I'm thinking I need to be a better planner. Every race my dad asks me "what's your strategy", and I never have one. Guess maybe I need to advance to that. I've just been kinda winging it! I definitely need more strength training...yikes, I'm so wimpy. Anyway, you got me thinking!


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