Monday, September 27, 2010

5 AM how I love you and hate you.

Hello 5 Am,
Man 5am you come really early. I try every night to get to bed early thinking I will be ready when you come around but nope every morning the alarm goes off and I can hardly believe you are there, AGAIN! You know 5 am I have mixed feelings about you. On the one hand you are ever so consistant. You show up each and everyday without fail, but on the other hand you show up each and everyday! There are days that when you show up and I do win the tug a war that my pillow is playing with my head and I do get up. These days are so great. I get up, I exercise and then I seem to have tons of energy and I get so much done during the day. However, there are days when you show up and my pillow has extra help from the covers and they win the tug a war battle and I stay in bed and push exercise off for later in the day. These days seem to be a little bit harder knowing in the back of my mind I still need to fit in my exercise between taking care of kids, house, and everything else that might come up that day. Oh, 5am you see from the two days that I have to choose from that it shouldbe easy for me to always choose to meet you with a smile, but I am sorry its hard for me. Now please know 5am it's nothing against you its me. I am weak and I am ever so great at procrastination. However, I have adopted a new motto and it's: I can do hard things! So, tomorrow 5am I will be there when you arrive. I can't promise I will have a smile on my face but I promise I won't let you down. Thank you 5am for being so consistant I hope I can follow your example.
Sincerely, a woman who can do hard things!

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