Thursday, September 23, 2010

I snotrocket

Okay so this morning as I was doing my tempo run I had many thoughts for titles for todays post. I.E. I can do hard things, Why Tempo? Oh my hammy! but nope I picked the one thing that I did well at this morning, and that was snotrockets! I know disgusting right but you know I wanted to post something positive about my run and this was the best I could come up with. I mean for me getting up before the sun to workout is not an easy thing. I had planned to run five miles the first was a warm up and then three at 7:30 pace and then one to cool down. Well, my first mile was a great warm up but I averaged around 7:55-8:00 min/mile and that was hard. This just showed me how much I had let my running slip this summer because at the beginning of the year 7:30's felt great. UGG, Oh well like I said back to basics I will give myself a pat on the back and say way to go and things will get better and hey not one of your snot rockets hit your face. way to go me!! well if anyone is reading let me know, What do you do well at? (come on share)
Tempo run
1mile warm up
3 miles at 7:55-8:00 m/mile
1 mile cool down

1 comment:

  1. I need to keep a running journal. I am so depressed with my running that I've considered tabling it for a season. Your post made me want to get up at 5 am tomorrow and give it a try again. We'll see!


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