Friday, April 1, 2011

are you ready for this!!!

Are you ready to put on your big girl shoes and push yourself this month? A fire was lit under me today by something someone said. This person unknowingly said something that really makes me want to push out of my comfort zone this month and prove to myself and to them that I can do hard things and I can do anything that I put my mind to. Now what was said or who said it is not a big deal but it really made me start to think, and I have decided to set a goal.
I am going to share my goal and my progress here on the blog. I must admit just doing that is going to be hard for me because now if I fail you all will know and that is a bit scary. However, I have put on my big girl shoes and I can do this. Are you ready?
1) I am going to my core exercises once everyday Monday-Saturday. These exercises include the following: ( I know for some of you this is not hard but for me it is something I always put on the to do list and never to do it)
Single leg squats 2 x 15 reps each leg
Heel raises with a tennis ball 20-30reps
Plank 1 minute hold x 2
side plank 1 min hold x 2
side plank with rotation 1 min x2
Bird dog10 reps each side hold at top for count of five
Bridges 1 min hold followed by 15 reps of marching followed by single leg hold
Superman 10 reps
sidelying leg raise with toe turned out 30 resp followed by doing with leg at 45 degrees and 90 degrees
sidelying bicycles
clam shells
v sits 20 resp
bicycles 20reps each leg

Now I know I said that I was going to post about core stuff but somedays I barely have time to sit and read one or two emails so look at my list above and you can ask me about some of the above exercises that I have chosen for myself. Also you can go to and they have a great section on core exercises with some great videos too. As I go along this month I might make changes to my routine by adding different exercises and as I do I will share them with you so that again you can keep track of me and make sure that I am doing them. If ound this book that I really like called: "After the last PR" by Dave Griffin and he says this about our comfort zones: " we all have a comfort zone, a safe room we usually avoid leaving, afraid of what might happen if we do. With preparation, we can expand its walls, but even then,, our greatest potential never resides there."
What are you going to do this month to break out of your comfort zone?


  1. Wow, I'm tired just reading that! My problem is that I don't know what any of those are, or really many core exercises at all. I watch them on a video, and I'm still confused. I'm core-handicapped. Serious. Next time you are here, do a mini-training for us. I like someone to show me, and then tell me if I'm doing them right, and then hope I remember. Sad.
    Good luck Corrine, I'm impressed!

  2. YOU GO!!! I am right there with ya!! WHOO HOO


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