Monday, March 18, 2013

Ya I am back. Its been a long time since I have blogged I know. ITs because I feel if I am going to blog it needs to be something good. Whatever I share needs to be something that might help someone else or even myself. Last year my sister told me that writing and blogging was helping me heal. I told her that she was wrong. Well, sista, you might only hear me admit this one time but I thinkthat you were right.  SO, maybe this blog will only be for just me to keep getting better and it will be an outlet for me, but if you choose to come along for the ride maybe it will help you to shift to a higher gear too.

I have been thinking about something all month long and then I saw the above video. You see today marks one year from the last time I talked with my dad. He called me today one year ago and we talked for awhile. I can still hear his voice and I can still hear some of the words that he said that day. I have to tell you that I have had LOTs of thoughts about that phone call and wondered if I would have seen this video back then would it have changed our conversation or just changed me.Yesterday I sat and thought about this and decided that I had to stop wondering and wishing that I would have said something different. I have decided that it is high time that I "shift to a higher gear" and be better. My family means everything to me. I need to stop and slow down and make sure I am making the most of the moments that matter most to me.  My siblings and mom would laugh to hear me say I need to slow down. I am always in a hurry and they have forever teased me about it. Hey, I am a work in progress.  For the rest of this month I am going to try and slow down and enjoy the moments that matter most.  Yesterday I started my challenge and I took time to send my siblings and mom and step mom an email. I want to open up our communication and stay in touch better so I plan on doing this every Sunday. Then I took my husband and kids on a walk and ended at grandma and grandpas house where we played on the swings and the trampoline and visited with cousins and an aunt and uncle. Small moment but fun.

How about you?  What are you going to do this month to shift to a higher gear.

Keep on shifting. Corrine


  1. Corrine, thank you for your post this morning! I really needed it!!! Good luck on trying to slow down ... I think that must be the hardest thing for moms to do. I will try that this month as well!

  2. Thanks for sharing Corrine! I am a busy body myself, and it is hard to slow down and focus on what matters, but gonna keep trying! I think about your dad a lot. We went into Barrie's a couple times last week. Bennett was renting ski boots and said "We need Dave." Your dad was always so helpful and positive in so many ways. I know he knows what you guys are doing and is so proud of you all! Love ya, and have a great, peaceful week!


Share how you are shifting to a higher gear.