Saturday, February 13, 2010

the long run

Okay the end of my first week of training is done. This morning I went for a 13 mile run. I averages 8:30's over all but had a few miles in there that were a little bit faster. I have decided that instead of being lazy like I was yesterday that I should instead do a really easy day on Friday to kind of stretch my legs out. I really need to find a yoga video that I like and do in on Fridays. I keep reading about how great yoga is and I find myself having a hard time trying to like it. Well, I enjoyed my run today. So far each of my runs keeps giving me more confidence that maybe my goal is really attainable.I have been running with a partner and it has been a long time since I have had a running partner. I have to say I have mixed feelings about it. I really like her and I love having someone to run with because you know the saying the best motivation is accountabilty. It is just that over the years I have become so use to going for a run all by myself and running just for myself. So, now to run with someone is totally great but I forget that on long runs you tend to talk and I have gotten use to running by myself and just thinking and getting into a zone. So, don't get me wrong it is nice to have a partner but different from what I have been doing for the past few years.
I keep reading about ice baths and I kind of wonder if I should be doing these but I am such a cry baby. I don't like being cold, but it would probably help my aching calf muscles right about now.
Well here is the workouts for this week:
Monday: 6 mile tempo 2miles warm up (8:30) 2 miles (7:30) 2 miles (8:00)
Tuesday: bike 40 min 9 miles (both kids decided to wake up during my workout)
Wednesday: Bike 60 min @ 90+ cadence 13 miles
Thursday: Intervals on track: 15 min warm up run: 3X1600 at 7:00 Ran these a few seconds
Friday: rest day ( need to do something from now on)
Saturday: long run 13 miles @ 1:49:05 Averaged 8:23/mile A little faster than planned but
made it.

So, first week done and now on to week two. Goals for next week. Add in one to two days of lifting, 3-5 days core work and easy work on Friday. Hope I can get it all in.

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